Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"But she looks so NORMAL...."


  1. Adorable is right! What a sweetheart!!!! I love your photos.

    It's SO wonderful to hear about how well things are going with Addison's new "team" since your move. I truly think it was meant to be that you are there so that she can get the best possible care.

  2. And absolutley beautiful! Her eyes and that smile are saying so much. I remember when my neice was at this stage of us trying to find answers. She was so normal except the fact that she wasn't doing things that she should but only WE saw that; I understand your frustration. Finally, we found the 1 professional that watched her "walk" down the hospital corridor wearing just her diaper and immediately admitted her to Texas Scottish Rite Hospital. She has Spinal Muscular Atrophy, SMA for short. The atrophying part is the worst of everything. When you mentioned in a recent post about Addison's atrophy my heart sank and my heart hurts for you because I know what it's like to see atrophy. If you'd like to talk more my e-mail is rheabell2010 at gmail dot com. I'll keep praying for the Lord to lead you & Adam to those perfect doctors.
