Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Admitted...yet again.

This week has been unbelievably painful. I will post more on the rest of that later - but for now, Audrina was brought to the hospital again today. There is so much I haven't updated on so I will try to fill in the blanks for many of you.

We were released from the hospital Sunday. That night she passed a diaper full of old black blood and then started projectile vomiting overnight. Monday I called the pediatricians office and neither of the two doctors she typically sees were there. I thought there was a chance with the vomiting possible bile and not pooping that she could have an obstruction from the contrast study during our admission so I wanted to be seen anyway. The doctor we saw kind of wrote off her vomiting as reflux-related and sent me on my way without so much as an X-ray, his reasoning being that she had just had a whole workup and we knew everything was fine.

So basically she's been setting off her apnea alarm a bunch, throwing up bright neon yellow, and not pooping well again. Then yesterday her bellybutton started swelling up, then she got diarrhea and had been crying and irritable. We took her back to the ped today and saw her usual doctor who watched her scream hysterically in my arms for almost an hour and decided we could not take her home like this and obviously there was something going on causing her so much pain. She called over to the hospital and set everything up so we didn't have to go through ER and could come right up to the floor. I called Adam and my parents and made arrangements for the girls and drove straight to St. V's.

We got into our room and explained what had been going on. So far she's had several failed IV attempts, including one in her head which was hard to watch. They did manage to heel stick her for enough blood for the basic tests and got x-rays of her belly and chest. Now we are waiting on those to come back. They are redrawing her ammonia levels because they were elevated a few weeks ago and never rechecked yet. We may potentially have been dealing with intussusception.

The crazy thing is Addison developed vomiting and excruciating pain in her stomach exactly 2 days after her 2-month old vaccines as well if I remember correctly. They said it was possible intussusception because she had a bunch of blood in her stool and they saw it on the ultrasound but when they went to inflate it with contrast it was fixed already. I have heard of a vaccine link in the past but really doubted it.... until this happened. Hopefully they can find an explanation for Audrina's latest difficulties. They are getting ready to cath her and get a urine culture to see if there is any reason to do a spinal tap again. :(

Its been a very stressful few days in our family and I will explain the rest when I get a chance, but please for now, be in prayer for Audrina and ask God to once again be close to her and bring peace to all of us in my family.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have definitely earned your Ph.D in pediatrics! We continue to pray day and night for Audrina and Addison. You have the sweetest girls and are SUCH a wonderful mother! I have immense admiration for everything that you do. Prayers and hugs going your way.

  3. Hi, I discovered your blog on BBC and have an immense admiration for you and your family. You have been and you are going through so much and it puts everyone else's little pregnancy issues into perspective! I was pretty miserable at the end of my pregnancy but kept thinking of you and how lucky I was to expect a full term healthy baby. THANK YOU. I am sure you habe inspired a lot of women to be strong and patient.
    I hope Audrina and Addison get strong and healthy soon. I am truely sorry for everything they have to go through and I am truely inspired by the strength you show to support them in their day to day fight. I will keep praying foe your family, you derserve the best!

  4. Praying that they can figure out what is going on with her.It is so hard to see your LO in so much pain all the time.Thanks for the updates.
