Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Things are crazy here getting everyone settled back in, and I have a few more things to post about, but for now I have to suffice to say that we ARE indeed home. We didn't get back until about 10pm last night. I will post a longer update when I can. Keep those prayers coming - Audrina's heart looked about the same and we are stable to be home for now but she's still working super hard just to breathe  so she's very tired and doesn't want to eat very much. Thank you all for your amazing support through the past week. Another trial behind us! I know many more will be ahead, but each one brings me strength to face the next. God is good.


  1. Glad you are all home again.Sorry she is still have difficulty breathing and eating.HOping they can figure out a plan for her soon.

  2. Slow and steady, one day at a time. We continue to pray for Audrina and Addison. Hope you are getting some sleep. God is indeed good. Hugs!

  3. HI I saw a prayer request for you at safe haven. I cam by to learn a little about your family. I am so very sorry you are on such a difficult path. I have no idea how it feels to be in your ever I do know grief, because I recently gave birth to a stillborn baby. I just wanted you to know I was here tonight reading your story and praying for your precious daughters.
