Monday, May 7, 2012

A day to remember!

This rainy Monday started out like all the others, running BK to school, Lily to the sitters, and Addison to speech therapy. We made the decision with our wonderful speech therapist, that since signing didn't seem to be making much of an impact on Addison, that maybe it was time to try a different method. We decided to focus solely on animal sounds at the past few sessions. There hadn't had much success so far; she's been pretty quiet lately.

Earlier this week, Addison began to point or gesture to things and ask me "Da?" I would label the word for her, "Addison, that's a cow!" or "THAT is a green ball!" or "THAT is your sister!" She never tried to speak or show any recognition other than requesting that I label the,.

Today we were stringing animal beads and we got to the duck. Her therapist said, "QUACK! Addison, this is a DUCK!". Then Mommy sung "Hi, duck, duck, duck!"

And then, something amazing happened....

Addison picked up the little duck bead and said softly, "Daaahhhhck?" Her teacher and I just exchanged glances, wondering if it could really be true. A few minutes went by and we played with more animals. Then, she picked up the duck again. "Do you have the duck Addison?"

"Dahhhhhk.", she said quietly.

It wasn't on her own, and it wasn't because she knows that a duck is a duck. But none-the-less, she heard it and repeated!!!!!! FIRST WORD!!!!!

I can only hope she will retain it, use it, remember it. There is so much more to her issues than just her ability to recognize a word or we would have made far more progress by now. For those who don't know, Addison is turning 18 months old this Thursday, and this is the second time she has had to learn to talk. Before her regression, she was saying 'mama' (among other things) and still can't say it, or identify who mama is. She's been in therapy a long time and we've made painstakingly little progress.

This is an excerpt from a post I made 3 weeks before her regression in August of 2011.

Yesterday was her 9 month well baby checkup. She is well - little. She weighed exactly 14 pounds. She's developmentally just doing fantastic - and we have a crawler!!! She follows me all over the house. She has started saying a few words including "Mama", "Dada", "Ahhhhison!", "Hi" and her favorite, "Nigh-nigh!" That's what we get to listen to for like 10 minutes every night before she falls asleep.

And ever since, no words. No babbling. Her learning to sign has been very limited. She was evaluated with scattered skills in the 0-3 month range following her regression.

I am so excited and unbelievably proud. I just wish I didn't have to live feeling like one day it could all disappear again like so many things have with her. But still, I am so thankful and hopeful for today's progress and I hope you are too. So many of you have been on this journey with us via the blog and I just want to reassure you that your prayers never fall on deaf ears! He is working in and through our girl..... I hope there are more days ahead with awesome news to share.

A well-deserved nap!


  1. Yay Addison!!! What a great Monday, indeed!

  2. Yay Addison!!! What a great Monday, indeed!

  3. Yay, yay, yay! What a wonderful moment! Praying that she retains it and uses it and that more words are to follow. Praying for you all!

  4. Horray!!!!!! JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a happy MONDAY for you all.Prayig that it stays.

  6. Yesssss I am so freaking happy for you guys!! Way to go Addison =)

  7. She is SO beautiful, and I'm SO proud of her! She will stay in my prayers, congrats mama!

  8. Awww! I'm so happy, this is definitely music to our ears!! Way to go Addison!! Congratulations mama, what a wonderful early mothers day gift! Continued prayers to your family.

  9. Hooray for Addison, and Happy Mother's Day to mama! I am smiling ear to ear for you and the family. What a day to remember, indeed :)

  10. ooray for Addison, and Happy Mother's Day to mama! I am smiling ear to ear for you and the family. What a day to remember, indeed :)
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  11. That is wonderful news! Big Milestone. I hope and pray that more words come.
